Animal lovers find solace In Erbil's first cat cafe

ERBIL, Kurdistan Region - Animal lovers can now find solace by cuddling and playing with cats at a newly-opened cat cafe in Erbil.

The cafe hosts 20 various cat species. Visitors can cuddle and pet their favorite cats while spending their time with friends and family members.

This is the first cafe of its kind in Erbil. 

"Most of our cats are adopted, they are clean, they have their own vet, they are vaccinated," Aya Abdulnasir, owner of the cat cafe told Rudaw English. "We have a message to deliver to the people, to be gentle with the cats and not harm them."

All the cats are vaccinated and domesticated. Visitors can take their own cats with them to the cafe as well.

Stray animals like cats and dogs are commonly seen in the alleys and neighborhoods of the Kurdistan Region. Due to a lack of shelter, they usually wait for animal lovers to either adopt them or feed them.

The world's first reported cat cafe named "Cat Flower Garden" was opened in Taipei, Taiwan, in 1998 which then became one of the country's top tourist destinations.