Peshmerga killed in Kirkuk bomb attack

BASHIR, Kirkuk – A Peshmerga soldier was killed by a roadside bomb targeting his convoy in Kirkuk’s Bashir village on Thursday, a Kurdish police official announced.

“A roadside bomb targeted Peshmerga forces today in Bashir, south of Kirkuk,” Sarhad Qadir, the provincial director of police in Kirkuk, told Rudaw. He added that one Peshmerga soldier was killed.

No group has immediately claimed responsibility for the attack, but the Kurdistan region’s Peshmerga forces have been locked in a fierce war with the Islamic State group (ISIS) for more than a year.

Several people, including a child, were wounded in a bomb attack last week in Kirkuk’s Yarmuk area.

ISIS attacked the Kurdistan region a year ago, igniting a war in which some 1,200 Peshmerga soldiers have been killed and about 5,000 wounded, according to official sources.