Kurdistan Region leaders meet with US Deputy Special Envoy to Syria

ERBIL, Kurdistan Region — Kurdistan Region President Nechirvan Barzani received the US Deputy Special Envoy to Syria, David Brownstein, in Erbil on Sunday.
According to a statement released by the presidency’s office, several topics, including the latest developments in Syria, the role of the United States and Coalition against the Islamic State (ISIS), and the presence of international forces, were discussed. 

The president emphasized that the solution to the tense situation in Syria will "not be found overnight," adding that a resolution should come through political methods and dialogue, refusing military options as a solution. 

The situation in northeastern Syria (Rojava) was touched upon during the meeting too, with Barzani saying the Kurdish issue needed to be resolved in Syria.

Brownstein assured the president that the International Coalition will continue their support in Syria, and stand against the threat ISIS still poses to the country.

On the same day, Brownstein met with the leader of the Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP), Masoud Barzani. 

The two sides discussed issues related to the Region, the attacks on Erbil airport, and the situation of Kurds in Syria, hoping the Kurdish parties would reach a joint agreement in the city, reads a statement released by Barzani Headquarters.