Turkey says 2 soldiers killed fighting PKK in Kurdistan Region

ERBIL, Kurdistan Region — The Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) and Turkish military skirmished in the northern mountains of the Kurdistan Region on Saturday, resulting in fatalities to Turkish soldiers.

"During fighting in the operation in northern Iraq on 16 March 2019 two of our brave soldiers were martyred and eight of theirs injured in the same operation,” read a statement from the Turkish Ministry of Defense released by state-media Anadolu Agency.

Ankara added in the operation six members of the PKK were killed including one female.

Locals told Rudaw that two Turkish military planes were flying over Bradost area on Saturday morning. 

At 6 a.m., PKK fighters attacked a Turkish base on Mount Chyadel from Barmiza village, a source told Rudaw English who requested anonymity citing security concerns.

The source added that fighting continued until 8:30 a.m., but Turkish helicopters arrived, apparently to retrieve their casualties, which the source claimed to be at least two dozen.


According to media close to the PKK, the fighting took place in the areas between Chyadel and Bradost. Roj News added the Turkish Army was retrieving their wounded via helicopter. 

The PKK did not immediately publish a statement on the fighting.

Turkey has been in full control of Barmeza village, where Saturday's fighting took place.

In late January, protesters stormed a Turkish base in Shiladze in Duhok province after a deadly attack by the army.

Its mountainous borders with Kurdistan Region have been hotspots for clashes. The PKK’s headquarters is in the Qandil district near the borders with Iran and Turkey. Their clashes sometimes result in civilian casualties. 

The outlawed PKK is an armed political group that has clashed with Turkish state for decades. It claims to be fighting for greater political, minority and cultural rights in Turkey. 

Turkey has military presence in Kurdistan Region since the early 1990s, especially in those areas which are not under the direct control of the KRG.

The PKK is considered a terrorist organization by Turkey, the European Union and the United States. 

Update 3:46 p.m.