US Jets Strike Multiple IS Positions Around Mosul

ERBIL, Kurdistan Region—US fighter jets launched a bombing campaign against positions of the Islamic State (IS) near Mosul dam and surrounding towns shortly after midnight on Friday, Rudaw reporter said.

The jets have bombed IS positions in four areas near the dam as well as in Rabia crossing, Mahmoudia, Telskouf, Zumar and Tilkef.

A Peshmerga eyewitness said this is the heaviest US bombing of militant positions since the start of airstrikes against the Islamist group last week.

Rudaw reporter Hevidar Ahmed said that a gas station used by IS militants to fuel their vehicles and a major junction leading to Mosul were targeted by the US fighter jets.

Several hummers were destroyed in the first round of the bombing campaign.

Ahmed said that IS militants have abandoned their posts under the heavy bombardment.

The bombing campaign encompasses an area of more than 32 kilomiters.

The bombing is continuing at the moment and Kurdish Peshmerga forces are expected to launch a ground assault to retake areas lost to the IS earlier this month including the Yezidi town of Shingal.