UPDATED: Peshmerga held by ISIS freed by counter-terror forces

10.29 pm

Families of Peshmerga still missing rally in Kirkuk

The families of a number of Peshmerga soldiers who were taken captive by ISIS in early 2015 in southern Kirkuk and whose fates remain unknown staged a protest in the city of Kirkuk in the wake of the release of Saed Ahmed Omar, seized by ISIS two months ago in Tuz Khurmatu.

The families said they were very happy to hear the news that Omar was released and called upon the government and Peshmerga officials to help free their sons, too. 

“It’s been three [sic] years we have been suffering from this hardship," said a family member of one of the seventeen Peshmerga who were taken by ISIS in early 2015 in a pre-dawn assault on the Kurdish forces.  

More than two years later, the families say they have not lost hope they will see their loved ones again and urged the government to ramp up efforts to secure their freedom. 

Families of Peshmerga speak to Rudaw in Kirkuk.




Saed Ahmed Omar tells Rudaw, "I'm very good."

Watch: Saed Ahmed Omar being received by relatives, Peshmerga, and local officials in the city of Sulaimani Saturday evening.





KIRKUK, Kurdistan Region – A Peshmerga taken captive in May by ISIS has been freed by counter-terrorism forces. 

The Peshmerga commander at the Tuz Khurmatu front, Abdullah Bor, confirmed to Rudaw that Saed Ahmed Omar had been freed.

He was taken captive on May 28 during an overnight ISIS attack against Peshmerga near Tuz Khurmatu, the last known abduction of a Peshmerga by ISIS. Six Peshmerga were wounded in the attack.

Omar, a Peshmerga with 14 years of service, had expected to be home with his wife and children for the end of Ramadan holidays only days later. 

He is in good health, Bor said. 

Watch: His family seeks the safe return of Saed Omar in an interview with Rudaw following his capture.

Sixty-three Peshmerga have either gone missing in action or were captured by the ISIS militants since 2014, President Barzani told European lawmakers during his recent visit to Brussels.

In March 2015, ISIS released a video showing at least 18 Peshmerga inside a cage on public display in Hawija. The video sparked outrage from the victims’ families and on the streets in Kurdistan. More than 70 friends and relatives of the hostages staged a protest in Kirkuk, calling on the Kurdistan Regional Government to take immediate action.
A Peshmerga official told Rudaw then that they tried to arrange a prisoner exchange with ISIS, but nothing came of their efforts.