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Bilind T. Abdullah @BilindTahir
ERBIL, Kurdistan Region — Erbil Zoo opened its doors to visitors on Friday. 

The 50-acre facility, near Kasnazan on the Erbil-Koya road is home to more than 180 different species of animals and birds. A three-phase plan will also see equestrian facilites and a veterinary hospital built on the premises.  

Dilan Salam is a Kurdish tourist who visited the zoo on its opening day.

“The project has world standards. I see no difference between this and [other] zoos in the world," she told Rudaw.

Zoos in the Kurdistan Region have previously drawn ire from vets and animal rights activists, who described animals as living in a "tragic state."

In 2010, Erbil's privately-owned Gilkand Zoo was named by the US-based Global Post newspaper as one of the world’s worst zoos.