Huge fire engulfs Sulaimani industrial zone

ERBIL, Kurdistan Region - At least two depots, containing food and sanitization materials, caught fire in Sulaimani’s industrial zone on Monday. No casualties have been reported and the cause of the blaze remains unknown, according to initial reports. 

Several firefighting teams have been dispatched to the incident area, with locals assisting the civil defense teams with water tankers, according to a Rudaw reporter on the ground.  

The fire was not extinguished at the time of reporting. 

“This one suddenly caught fire and the fire spread to the other one,” said an eyewitness, pointing to the two depots which contain flammable materials which would fan the flames. 

He also said that the depots were not manned when the incident took place. 

Two witnesses said that the first depot that caught fire included boxes of mineral water. 

Fires are a perennial concern in Iraq and the Kurdistan Region. They are especially frequent in the summertime when the scorching heat increases the risks.

Safety standards also are often ignored in the country. Most buildings lack adequate fire extinguishers, evacuation routes, and emergency exits.

Updated at 6:04 p.m.