Islam can solve the Kurdish question: mullahs

14-10-2018 21 Comments
Tags: Diyarbakir religion Islam
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ERBIL, Kurdistan Region – Kurdish religious scholars (mullahs) from the four parts of Kurdistan convened for a two day conference of the Union of Religious Scholars in Turkey's Kurdish city of Diyarbakir on Saturday.

It was the third conference of the Kurdish religious scholars to discuss issues in the Middle East, understandings of Islam, and the Kurdish question.

Mullah Teyip Elci, a Kurdish mullah from Northern Kurdistan (southern Turkey), says the Kurdish question could be solved if only people abided by the lessons of the Quran and the Sunnah.

“If we gather around human and Islamic brotherhood, and don’t discriminate among ourselves, then this [Kurdish] issue will be resolved,” Mullah Teyip Elchi, a Kurdish mullah, told Rudaw.

Ali Qaradaghi, the head of the Muslim Brotherhood affiliated International Union of Islamic Scholars, believes the application of true democracy in Iraq could resolve the Kurdish issue.

“If there is real democracy in Iraq, then we don’t need any more than that. They know if there is real democracy, then the people will obtain their rights. If there is really democracy, then there would be a referendum in Kirkuk and those [disputed] areas,” Qaradaghi told Rudaw. 

“From 2003 up to now no such thing has been done. Frankly, the problems of the Islamic World are injustice, oppression, and tyranny, and dictatorship,” he added. 

Another prominent pro-Kurdish mullah from Rojava said religious scholars pandering to rulers hurts the people in apparent reference to mullahs supporting regimes against Kurdish rights.

“Those who are connected to rulers and tamper with Allah’s verses to suit them, to invent sayings of the Prophet that has got nothing to do with him, is a huge problem when the scholar becomes the follower of the ruler,” Mullah Zahid Khaznawi, a mullah from Rojava, told Rudaw.

Speaking at the conference, Anwer Kilicharsalan, head of the Union of Islamic Scholars, said Kurds are abandoning Islam.

“Today we can see that the most godless nation in the world is the Kurdish, wanting to go away from Islam and the prophet,” the mullah said, according to Dogruhaber, the media of Huda Par, a Kurdish Islamist party. 

He complained that Kurds are becoming more communist, and socialist, perhaps referring to Kurdish support for the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) and Turkey’s left-wing pro-Kurdish Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP).


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  • 16-10-2018
    New Kurdistan is probl exevute from kurdish discord. This guy has mental issues. He is like 16 and hardcore islamist living in holland. He is sorani btw.
  • 16-10-2018
    kurdish natinalist
    Islam and mullah are other Word for terorrist and if you blive in islam you are terorrist and have not any right to live becuse islam are virus canser.
  • 16-10-2018
    Haha, mullahs are trying to tell whats good for kurds? Now I have heard everything. You guys are a joke. You Mu-lliers stop telling your mullah friends to stop killing kurds and infiltrating our process to grow as a nation. Maybe that's the key to democracy, not to repeat what a non kurd said hundreds of years ago to define your un-thoughtful brains. Whats good for kurdish people is when the real killers of kurds (islam) is not tied with our process of growing as a people.
  • 15-10-2018
    All societies have individuals who differ in their opinions. Having the liberty to speak freely about their opinions and practice their own religion, makes those differences between individuals more visible. This diversity in society makes some individuals resentful that others do not see as they do. But, in reality, diversity strengthens a society as long as the individuals can contribute in a civil manner. Having laws, provides the guidelines and mechanisms, to allow a society of individuals, with differing views, to interact, in a civil way. Democracy allows the individuals to participate in their government to form these laws with input from the diverse array of individuals in the society. Compromising, in a true democracy, is required for the democracy to continue but that compromise usually ends up creating a long term and stable society that is self-governing and fluid, meaning it has the ability to change to fit the needs of the people in the society as it changes. In my opinion, taking away an individual's liberty to freely practice their religion is not the answer to unity.
  • 15-10-2018
    Since western imperialists divided Kurdistan Kurds suffer. And they still fail because they dont understand that this seculqr fake way will always fail. KRG tried democratic referendum nobody supported it not west nobody. So why not try Islamic way Kurds situation was much better before english french invasion in Kurdistan.
  • 15-10-2018
    New Kurdistan
    Under Islam Kurdish nation was formed no single time the word Kurd was ever used bevore Islam no single word of Kurdish existed before Islam Kurmanji Sorani all languages was spoken thanks to Islam. Under Islamic rule Kurds were powerfull taking one city after another rights recocnised the are of Nurds was called Kurdistan under ottoman islamic rule. Salahaddin was Kurd and ruled all of middel east. But wgen sik christian nazis entered middel east they divided Kurdistan created arab turkish nationalisim and since then Kurds suffer. Now west nazis know Kurds as Muslims will destroy them thqts why they keep trying to brainwash Kurds but Islam is growing. West christian nazis wants Kurd to stay in this occupied status fuk em so they can use Kurds. If they really would support Kurds they would recocnise Kurdish state. Secular politics keeps us behind thats why Kurds fail trustiong zionists will make you lose.
  • 15-10-2018
    The Third Meeting of Servants of Turkish MIT!
  • 15-10-2018
    what did Islam bring to Iran other than destruction since the Mullah's took over. If Islam is religion of peace, then how come there is destruction and dictatorship in almost every Muslim country. Why don't western countries have these problems and living peacefully. Maybe there is a reason why people are trying to abandoning Islam. All this years Kurds have been tortured, killed, raped, by the hands of Muslims, and you're saying Islam will solve Kurdish problem.
  • 15-10-2018
    Throw these prehistoric idiots into the sea. The World has moved thousands of years beyond them.
  • 15-10-2018
    Islam is a cult, the most evil brainwasher. ISIS and their predissesors are proof.
  • 15-10-2018
    mulas are very dengrouse we should not alow them to go that far look at iran or any other religion countries.any way after all kurds are multi religion ,muls and religion will destroy kurdistan .
  • 15-10-2018
    Another childstheather act. Those.goons are turks.or druged actors. Or both. Without kurds there.would be all or tiny remnants. We were defending it while the turks weakend constantinople giving a shit.about defending.islam. preacher with his.druged slave prostitutes gives a perfect example of what turks think of islam. Just look at his follower numbers
  • 15-10-2018
    What all so called muslim nations profed so far is that they put their nation first and their religion second while here kurds are tought to do the opposite. Even more as if the filthy turks allowed him to say anything if he was for the kurds. Beside in islam you go straith to hell if you dont kill your oppressor. Furthermore the filthy turks covertedly again try to potray the kurds as communists. While everyday i watch tv erdogan plays putins puppy.
  • 14-10-2018
    And that is a great complement !!! Thank you!!!
  • 14-10-2018
    The most kind people i have meet is Sikh, become Sikhs. Because you kurds are to pussy to be muslims and always suffer. A real muslim has hunger for blood and is never finished while kurds are affraid of blood. Just let go of Islam, we the younger suffer and become drug addicts and drunks becaue we can not escape from this world old men with beards created for us.
  • 14-10-2018
    pre-Boomer Marine brat
    Loudly announcing in public that he knows the Mind of God better than anyone else can generate very fulfilling emotions for a tribal-culture cleric ... A bit over a decade ago, Mahmud Ahmadinejad appointed a mullah to the Chancellorship of the University of Tehran. Both Ahmadinejad and the cleric proudly proclaimed that the only book the cleric had ever read was the Quran.
  • 14-10-2018
    Dont listen to sissy babys licking the feet of Trump and all other racists who just say the word Kurd. Kurds were not a nation before Islam came after Kurds became Muslims they became one nation with one languafe before Islam Kurdish language was never mentioned. Erbil Amed all bexame Kurdish thanks to Islam.
  • 14-10-2018
    Too late, already used Quran as toilet paper
  • 14-10-2018
    Mullah's mouths should be stuffed with shoes the size of their heads.., including turbans!
  • 14-10-2018
    I really don't know why bothered to make this comment. I don't know what do do these cardboard brain people mean by "this Kurdish issue" and "abide by Islam"? Firstly, Kurds are not just Muslims. They are Christians, Jews, Ezidis, Atheist, Zoroastrians.. and many other faiths and beliefs. Are you suggesting they should convert to your faith or you want to divide Kurds in religious way? Is this your way of DEMOCRACY Mr Mulla, or Alim, or whatever name you are operating under? Kurd of all faiths and beliefs have been denied from freedom and democratic rights on their own land; Kurds have been subjected to the most inhumane suppression and prosecution, and that is mostly by the Islamic states and regimes like Iraq, Iran, and Turkey. Do you know how many thousands of Kurdish villages been bulldozed to the ground by you Islamic faith right from the rise of Islam to date? Even this very day the Islamic armies of Iran and Iraq are carrying out so many killing, rape and looting. Any yet, you want Kurds to line up with them? As far as I know, Islam has been the major obstacle to the Kurdish progress.
  • 14-10-2018
    Muraz Adzhoev
    The external and internal religious enemies of the Kurdish Nation are no better and are even more dangerous than the external and internal ideological enemies of the Kurdish People. They (especially internal religious and ideological enemies) are all cynical hypocrites, who don't give a damn about Kurdistan, the Kurdish People, the Kurdish Nation.