A Peshmerga killed in ISIS bombing on Bashiqa

ERBIL, Kurdistan Region—A Peshmerga, Latif Qadir, has been killed in an Islamic State (ISIS) bombing of the Peshmerga frontline in Bashiqa on Wednesday evening.

Hamid Afandi, in charge of the Peshmerga forces on the Bashiqa frontline, told Rudaw, “On the Bashiqa frontline because of the ISIS attack, a Peshmerga from the 7th brigade of the Ministry of Peshmerga was killed on Wednesday.”

“At 6:30 pm on Wednesday, a Peshmerga was injured by an ISIS attack on the frontline. He was sent to Erbil and some hours later he died,” Afandi added.

Latif Qadir was from Batasa town in the Soran district.

Bashiqa town is located northeast of Mosul. Peshmerga have been fighting ISIS along the frontline in the Bashiqa area for two years.