No Israeli intelligence bases in Kurdistan Region: KRG

ERBIL, Kurdistan Region — A Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) spokesperson has denied the presence of Israeli intelligence (Mossad) bases in the Kurdistan Region following reports of an Iran-backed attack on a Mossad base. 

"Several media organizations in the region circulated reports claiming that an Israeli intelligence base had been targeted in the Kurdistan Region, leading to the death and injury of some of its employees," Jotiar Adil said in a Wednesday statement.

“We categorically refute the claims of the presence of such a foreign entity within the Kurdistan Region. We are disappointed by these irresponsible claims and reject these baseless accusations which are intended to undermine and disrupt the Kurdistan Region.”

Reports of an attack on an Israeli intelligence base in the Kurdistan Region were published by multiple media outlets on Tuesday night, including Iranian state media.

This is not the first time the KRG has denied an Israeli presence in the Kurdistan Region. 

In December, the government dismissed “inaccurate” claims from an Israeli spokesperson that Iran may attack Israelis in the Kurdistan Region following renewed tensions after the assassination of Iranian nuclear scientist Mohsen Fakhirzadeh.

“As we have said multiple times in the past, Israel does not have any interests in the Kurdistan Region and there is no Israeli citizen in the Kurdistan Region,” Adil said at the time. 

Tensions between Iran and Israel are high, with Israel widely believed to be behind the blackout at Nantanz nuclear plant on Sunday.