Jalawla mayor wounded in bombing

ERBIL, Kurdistan Region — A bomb blast in Islah village near Jalawla in northern Diyala province has wounded Jalawla’s mayor, according to a Peshmerga official Sunday.
“A planted bomb exploded at dawn in Jalawla killing one and wounding an Asayish official and the mayor of Jalawla,” Captain Jalil Faris told Rudaw.
Jalawla is outside Kurdistan regional administration, and was taken over by the Islamic state in August 2014, but Peshmerga forces regained control in November 2014.

The Peshmerga have remained a bulwark against ISIS expansion in northern Iraq ever since the militants attacked the Kurds in August last year, igniting a war in which some 1,200 Peshmerga have been killed, according to official figures.