Islamic State Militants Behead Iraqi Tribal Chief

KIRKUK, Kurdistan Region — Islamic State militants (IS, formerly ISIS) beheaded a tribal chief on the border of Kirkuk governorate, charged with conspiring against the Islamic State on Friday.

Sarhad Qadir, director of Police in Kirkuk governorate told Rudaw, “ISIS armed-men beheaded Ali Alyaf, the Chief of Alburiyash tribe, alongside three of his brothers”.

He went on to say, “Their bodies were dumped in Rashadi town, South of Kirkuk”.

“They were accused of forming an armed group against ISIS in Southern and Western parts of Kirkuk”, Qadir added.

In June, Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) sent its Peshmerga troops into the province of Kirkuk to drive out IS militants.

Since Peshmerga forces began patrolling the city in June, Kirkuk has enjoyed relative stability and security under the protection of Peshmerga. Despite this, sporadic instances of violence are still rampant in the city. 

In August, three coordinated bomb attacks in Kirkuk city led to the closure of Southern Kirkuk border crossing, in strategic move by Peshmerga forces to curb IS militants activity.