President Barzani condemns 'cowardly and unwarranted' attack

ERBIL, Kurdistan Region - President of the Kurdistan Region condemned on Sunday the missile attack targeting Erbil earlier in the day, urging the federal government of Iraq and the international community to prevent “further violations of the sovereignty and stability of the country.”

“We strongly condemn the cowardly and unwarranted missile attack that targeted the people, peace and stability of Erbil, the capital of the Kurdistan Region late last night,” Nechirvan Barzani said in a statement, adding he was relieved that no casualties were inflicted. 

“We stand with the great people of Erbil as they spent a worrisome and stressful night,” he added, stressing that cooperation among all the Kurdistan parties and communities was necessary to counter these threats.

The President also addressed the reoccurrence of such attacks in Erbil, referring to them as “an alarming development, as it is a blatant violation of peace, stability and sovereignty of Iraq.”

“I urge the federal government of Iraq and the international community to end such aggressions and do their best to prevent further violations of the sovereignty and stability of the country, and the security and peace of its citizens,” Barzani added.

President of the Kurdistan Democratic Party Masoud Barzani also expressed his condemnation of the "cowardly missile attack."


The Kurdistan Region’s counter terrorism department confirmed that twelve missiles were targeted at the US consulate building in Erbil from outside the Region and Iraq, hitting different neighborhoods of the city. The department added that the missiles were launched from the east.

This is the first attack on US missions in the Kurdistan Region this year. While no group has immediately claimed responsibility for the attack, similar attacks have previously been blamed on Iranian-backed Iraqi militias who have demanded that United States forces withdraw from Iraq.

Barzani joins Iraqi Prime Minister Mustafa al-Kadhimi, Iraqi President Barham Salih, Shiite cleric Muqtada Al-Sadr, and many other high-profile Iraqi and KRI officials who have condemned the attack in the past few hours.

By Chenar Chalak