KRG announces start of Operation Free Shingal

ERBIL, Kurdistan Region—Peshmerga forces supported by coalition airstrikes launched a major offensive against Islamic State (ISIS) in Shingal (Sinjar) Wednesday night to free the Kurdish Yezidi town from the militant group.

“From approximately 2100hrs on 11 November 2015, International Coalition warplanes struck dozens of ISIL fighting positions ahead of Operation Free Sinjar, a Peshmerga-led ground offensive to retake the town of Sinjar from ISIL terrorists.” The Kurdistan Region Security Council (KRSC) said in a press release.

According to the KRSC statement, “Operation Free Sinjar will include up to 7,500 Peshmerga from three fronts to cordon off Sinjar city, take control of ISIL's strategic supply routes, and establish a significant buffer zone to protect the city and its inhabitants from incoming artillery.”

ISIS militants captured the Yezidi town in August 2014 where they killed hundreds of civilians, took thousands captive and displaced tens of thousands more.

Peshmerga forces have dug trenches and forward operation positions around the town in the last several months.

“Coalition warplanes will provide close air support to Peshmerga forces throughout the operation,” said the KRSC about the offensive.