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Bilind T. Abdullah @BilindTahir

Around 1,534 migrants have arrived in the Kurdistan Region’s Bardarash camp over the past two weeks, from northeast Syria (Rojava).

Another group of migrants arrived at the camp on Wednesday, the majority of which where young people.

The migrants claimed that Turkish bombardments in North and East Syria and the economic situation there has led them to migrate to the Kurdistan Region.

Rostam Mohammed has worked in a pharmacy in Amuda, a town in Syria’s Hasaka province. He had been away from his mother for three years when she came to the Bardarash camp, and recently decided to join his mother.

“We fled from war, there is a daily war and life has become hard in Rojava, many of the people migrating go through a tough financial situation,” Yoyda Hassan who also fled to the Kurdistan Region told Rudaw.

Migrants have been flowing into the Bardarash camps for the past eight days. Around 125 tents have been set up and after getting information from the migrants, they will be transferred to the tents.

The head of the camp, Aram Hadi told Rudaw that they have collected the information from the migrants and will carry out all legal and administrative procedures.

The camp is located in the Bardarash district of Duhok province. It was opened in 2014, and has up to now hosted over 4,500 migrants.