Sulaimani father, mother, son die of Covid-19 within 10 days

ERBIL, Kurdistan Region – A father, mother, and son who contracted the coronavirus have died within the space of 10 days in Sulaimani, a family member told Rudaw on Sunday.

The dead are Latif Hama Aziz, 75, his wife Qadamkher Rashid, 71, and their son Kochar Latif, 46.

"May nobody go through this disturbing situation that we are in. What we have seen, may nobody see it," said a distraught Nawa Latif, another son of the couple. He appealed to people to follow health regulations.

He said his father and mother died within six hours of each other: "My father died at 10am in the morning on Wednesday, September 30, and my mother died six hours later at 4pm of the same day."

"My father had been protecting himself very well and we were very committed to the health instructions. And even when he contracted corona, his health was doing very well in the beginning. But later, his health started to deteriorate slowly, slowly. After staying at home for two weeks and one week at the hospital, he eventually died," he recounted.

His mother contracted the virus after his father. "My mother stayed only two nights and one day in the hospital. She died as well.”

He said his father did not have any pre-existing ailments, but his mother had diabetes and high blood pressure. 

His brother, Kochar, lived in Europe and returned to the Kurdistan Region for a visit in early January. He was not able to leave because of global travel restrictions. "My brother died yesterday. He had contracted the virus from my mother and father," said Nawa. "He had no pre-existing underlying health conditions."

Related: Coronavirus case numbers in Sulaimani show no signs of slowing

Since the first case of coronavirus was recorded in March, the Kurdistan Region has seen a total of 55,745 cases and 1,992 people have died of the virus. Since August, daily numbers of new cases have consistently risen. Despite the large numbers, the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) has relaxed measures to curb its spread.

"The situation is the same as the pre-pandemic times. I am sure that no other country has eased the measures in such an immediate way,' Sulaimani health directorate spokesperson Dr. Yad Naqshbandi told Rudaw on Saturday. 

Sulaimani has seen the highest number of coronavirus-related deaths with 1,002, followed by Erbil's 597.

Last month in Duhok, four members of a family died of complications from the virus in the space of just three weeks.