Erbil airport attacked with explosive-laden drones: counter-terror directorate

ERBIL, Kurdistan Region - Erbil airport was attacked with two explosive-laden drones late Saturday night, according to Kurdistan Region’s counter-terrorism directorate. 

There were no casualties, the directorate confirmed.

At least three blasts had been heard near the airport. 

The US-led coalition against the Islamic State (ISIS) confirmed the 11:43pm attack on the military base at the airport hosting foreign troops.

“Force protection counter measures were used to defeat the drones,” spokesperson Colonel Wayne Marotto said in a tweet.

One of the drones detonated inside the airport perimeter and another outside the perimeter, he added.

This is the fourth time this year Erbil airport has come under attack. Previous attacks were blamed on Iranian-backed Iraqi militias who have demanded United States forces withdraw from Iraq. US forces are stationed at the airport.

No group has immediately claimed responsibility for this latest attack.

“These attacks endanger the lives of civilians, & the partner forces from the ISF [Iraqi Security Forces], Peshmerga & Coalition,” said Marotto.

The United States consulate in Erbil said they "strongly condemn" the attack and remains committed in its support for the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) and the federal Iraqi government.

The UK consulate also condemned the attack, saying the "threats to the KRI [Kurdistan Region of Iraq] must end."

"I thank all the security forces for once again the enemy's attempts failed," said Erbil Governor Omed Khoshnaw in a Facebook post. "Erbil is resilient and calm, and will remain so.”

Updated at 4:31 pm
Additional reporting by Layal Shakir