Soran preacher plants thousands of oak trees across Kurdistan Region

BEWAS, Kurdistan Region – A Soran preacher has planted thousands of oak trees across the Kurdistan Region.

Omar Bradosti, 73, lives in the village of Bewas.

He has planted more than 14,000 oak trees over the last three years, particularly in areas scorched by Turkish airstrikes and Iranian bombardments. 

“In the first planting campaign at the end of 2017, we started planting 600 oak trees with our friends and relatives in our village Bewas. Then we promoted our idea in Ballakayati area, Soran district and other areas,” he told Rudaw’s Bakhtiyar Qadir.

Bradosti prepares the acorn seeds at his home before transporting them to woodland areas. 

With permission from the Ministry of Agriculture and Water Resources, he hopes to launch a new campaign in Dlopa forest, east of Erbil.  

Reporting by Bakhtiyar Qadir

Translation by Sarkawt Mohammed