Yezidi MP: Christian aid groups are proselytizing

ERBIL, Kurdistan Region—Kurdish Yezidi parliamentarian Vian Dakhil has warned that some Christian aid organizations are proselytizing as they deliver humanitarian aid in a bid to convert traumatized Yezidis to Christianity. 

“Following the Islamic State [ISIS] attacks on Shingal and Zumar districts, thousands of Yezidis were displaced who mainly resettled in Kurdistan regions. Meanwhile, many organizations which that endorse Christianity in the region have taken advantage of the Yezidis situation and have started their advertisements to make Yezidis convert to Christianity,” Dakhil told Rudaw.

According to Dekhil, security officials have been informed of the allegation. She added that Christian MPs in the Iraqi parliament are against such efforts and have described the organizations’ alleged endorsements unethical. 

“Attached with humanitarian aids they distribute Bible and pamphlets containing information about Christianity,” said the Yezidi MP.

Khalid Jamal Albert, director of the Kurdistan region’s office of Christian affairs, said several international Christian churches have been registered and active in the region since 1991. He those churches are among the charity organizations that are actively helping the Yezidis and other refugees in Iraq. 

“There were some unauthorized organizations that had distributed some headphones and flash memory [sticks] containing recorded bibles,” said Albert.