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Bilind T. Abdullah @BilindTahir

The Kurdistan Region’s Erbil province on Wednesday inaugurated its first international border crossing with Turkey, the third of its kind between the two sides.

On Wednesday, two inauguration ceremonies were held on both sides of the border.

Shanaz Qasim, a citizen living in the villages told Rudaw that she hasn’t seen her mother or relatives for eight years, but with the inauguration of this border crossing, she can see them weekly.

“This border point shortened a 20-day journey to a 20-minute one,” she said.

The border crossing is located in Zet village on the Kurdistan Region’s side and Derecik, or Rubarok town, in the Kurdish-majority province of Hakkari (Colemerg) on the Turkish side.

A decision was taken in 2013 to open Zet border crossing between Turkey and Kurdistan region, but due to the economy crisis and the war against the Islamic State (ISIS), the opening was hampered.