Unexploded drone found near Duhok dam

 ERBIL, Kurdistan Region - A villager on Monday told Rudaw that he had found an unexploded explosive-laden drone near Duhok dam and handed it over to security forces to investigate.

Haval Boti from Botya village in Zawita subdistrict told Rudaw on Monday that he found a drone with three unexploded bombs near the Duhok dam three days ago. 

He added that he informed local security forces who have launched an investigation into the incident. 

The area is known for being one of the hotspots of conflict between Turkey and the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK), but it is unclear if Monday’s incident is linked. 

A security source familiar with the case told Rudaw on the condition of anonymity that this is not the first time such incidents take place in the province.

“We have launched an investigation but we have not concluded which country or party the drone belongs to,” added the source.

Rudaw has learned that this is the sixth time drones have landed in the province since last month. 

The dam is one of the largest in the Kurdistan Region and it is not clear if it was the target of the drone attack near Botya village.

Drone warfare has become a common occurrence in the Kurdistan Region, as well as Iraq, with most incidents being attributed to Turkey, Iran, and pro-Iran Iraqi militia groups. 

Nasir Ali reported from Duhok