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‘Kolbar’ is a term well-known by Kurds, and belongs to semi-legal porters who trek across the Iran-Iraq border in treacherous conditions to provide for their families. 

Severe winter weather, landmine remnants and watchful border guards all pose a threat to the kolbars, who range from 13 to 60 years old. 

Five kolbars died last month in Mariwan province, Iran following heavy snow.

Athletes and university graduates have been driven to the profession as economic sactions continue to squeeze Iran, particularly in Kurdish areas- where poverty and  unemployment rates are high.  

Carrying goods on their backs, their loads range from 30-40 kilograms and sometimes reach 100 kilograms. They earn only 11,000 Iranian tomans (less than $1) for each kilogram.

These photos were taken in the Hawraman area in eastern (Iranian) Kurdistan on February 6, 2020.