Kurdish opposition party accuses Iran of planting defused bombs

SULAIMANI, Kurdistan Region – The Komala Party of Iranian Kurdistan said that four bombs had been defused at its camp near Sulaimani on Sunday and accused Tehran of being behind the potential terrorist attack.

"Komala had already warned that the Iranian regime, after clinching its detrimental nuclear deal with the West, will attack the regime’s opponents in Iran and Kurdistan," the group said in a statement.

It identified the Iranian regime as its only enemy and called on the international community and authorities in the Kurdistan Region to act against the Iranian regime’s “terrorist attempts in the region.”

Four improvised explosives devices (IED) “contained more than 25 kilograms of TNT,” the statement claimed. 

"The camp was evacuated to prevent any possible explosion and five IEDs were detected and defused by the Kurdish security forces," Salih Sharifi, a Komala leadership member, told Rudaw.

He said the bombs were planted by an Iranian government spy inside the group who had absconded with his family from the Kurdistan Region after placing the bombs at Komala’s Zargwez camp, 20 kilometers southwest of Sulaimani, where the group has been settled since the 1980s.

Komala is one of the main parties of Iranian Kurdistan – or Rojhelat. For more than a decade, Komala has ceased its armed struggle against Iran’s Islamic Republic and sought a political settlement for Kurdish rights.