Barzani names Abu Layla a courageous man of Kobani

ERBIL, Kurdistan Region - Masoud Barzani, president of the Kurdistan Region, has sent condolences to the family of Abu Layla, an outstanding Kurdish commander who died from injuries sustained from an Islamic State (ISIS) ISIS sniper bullet in Rojava earlier this month.

"On a phone call with Yousif Abdul Aziz, a brother of martyred Faysal Saadun known as Abu Layla, [Barzani] sent his condolences to the family and relatives of Abu Layla who was martyred at the hands of the terrorists in fighting to liberate Manbij," read an announcement issued by Barzani’s office.

The announcement added that Barzani described Abu Layla as a brave and courageous person of Kobani who dedicated his life to defend his homeland and obtain freedom for the Kurdish nation.

Abu Layla was wounded in the Manbij operation on June 3. For treatment, he was sent to the Kurdistan Region. He died of his wounds two days later in hospital in Sulaimani.

Abu Layla was wounded in battle many times but always returned to continue the fight. On June 25, 2015, ISIS launched a suicide attack on Kobane. The ISIS attacks continued for several days, killing at least 220 civilians and 35 YPG fighters. An injured Abu Layla battled them from his own balcony, his crutches leaning against the railing beside him.

He was one of founders of the SDF and the Northern Sun Brigade. His outstanding leadership helped bring victory in the battle for Kobani.

A letter he wrote to his young daughter reads: "We battle for you and future generations to live in a peaceful country and homeland. For your future we face all difficulties in order that you do not have to say ‘Our fathers and ancestors did not do anything for us.’ You will be proud of me either in my life or in martyrdom."

YPG forces are participating in an Arab-led offensive to rout ISIS from the Manbij pocket, along the Syria-Turkey border west of the Euphrates. It was in this offensive that Abu Layla was martyred. The offensive has been renamed in his honour.