Peshmerga thwart surprise ISIS attack on Khazir front

ERBIL, Kurdistan Region – Kurdish Peshmerga forces repelled a surprise attack by militants of the so-called Islamic State Thursday near the village of Tal Aswad on the Khazir front southeast of Mosul  between the Iraqi Kurdish capital Erbil—called Hewler in Kurdish—and ISIS-occupied Mosul.  

“ISIS militants launched a wave of sporadic assaults on the Peshmerga in the village of Tal Aswad on the Khazir front, but failed in their attempts and were defeated,” said Peshmerga official Dilshad Maulood.

“Before the offensive, ISIS sporadically fired rockets at the Peshmerga stockades in the village, and in the clashes 10 ISIS militants were killed, while the Peshmerga did not have any casualties,” Maulood added.