ISIS attack on Shingal repelled

ERBIL, Kurdistan Region — Kurdish forces have repelled fresh Islamic State  attacks on the city of Sinjar and killed more than 25 of the group’s militants, a military source told Rudaw.
Major General Hashem Sitayi, the Peshmerga commander in Sinjar, said on Tuesday intense clashes erupted in Sinjar when ISIS militants launched strings of attacks against Kurdish forces. He claimed that Peshmerga backed by US-led coalition airstrikes managed to repel the Islamic extremists, but some fighting still continued and an unknown number of Peshmerga had been injured. 
“ISIS militants initiated their attacks by sending suicide bombers and vehicles rigged with explosives toward Peshmerga positions,” he said, adding that the vehicles were blasted by entrenched Kurdish forces and the suicide bombers were killed before they could carry out their attack.