Suspect arrested for killing three in Erbil

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ERBIL, Kurdistan Region - Security forces late Wednesday announced the arrest of a suspect in relation to the death of a couple and their child in Erbil earlier in the day. 

The residents of Sarkarez neighbourhood found the bodies of three people at their home. The reason behind their death was not immediately clear and the identity of the perpetrator was unknown. 

Local security forces (Asayish) said in a statement that they had arrested a man who is believed to be the perpetrator of the crime, identifying the victims as Abdullah Hama, 66, his wife Fahim Mawloud, 53, and their daughter Sana Abdullah, 11.  

Asayish added that they have launched an investigation into the crime without elaborating how and why the suspect killed the three members of the family. 

Rudaw has learnt that the perpetrator used a knife in the incident. 

A clergyman from the same neighbourhood said that the family had moved to the neighbourhood a couple of months ago.

A series of deadly incidents, mostly shooting, has been reported in the Kurdistan Region, especially in the capital city of Erbil, recently. The government has launched a campaign to limit people’s access to guns but this has not made much impact. 


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