Iraqi MPs: Baghdad-Erbil pact needed to free Mosul

ERBIL, Kurdistan Region - Iraqi lawmakers have stressed the vital role of Kurdish Peshmerga forces in the upcoming campaign to liberate the ISIS-held city of Mosul, a range of Iraqi parliament members confirmed.
“The issue of Mosul is vital part of national duties both for general commander of the military forces and the president of Kurdistan. There must be full coordination between Baghdad and Erbil,” Samira Jaffar, of the Shiite National Alliance, told Rudaw on Tuesday.

Iraqi Prime Minister Haidar al-Abadi was welcomed by Kurdish President Masoud Barzani and top Kurdish officials in Erbil on Monday. The two sides also discussed Kurdish forces’ role in the looming Mosul operation.

“Recapturing Mosul has became a national event because it serves all parts of the country. It benefits the Kurds as well as the central government,” said Hamza Grtani, a Sunni lawmaker in Iraqi parliament.

Speaking about Abadi’s visit to Erbil, Kurdish lawmaker Farhad Qadir Ali called the meeting “significant” and “necessary.”