Iran shells Kurdistan Region’s Bradost area

ERBIL, Kurdistan Region – Iranian artillery fire has struck the mountainous region of Kurdistan’s Bradost area, according to a local official. 

Mayor of Sidakan, Ihsan Chalabi, told Rudaw the Barbizinian mountains came under fire.

No casualties or damage have been reported, but reconnaissance planes were seen flying low over the area, Chalabi said.

The Democratic Party of Iranian Kurdistan (PDKI) tweeted that Iran had shelled "PDKI and Peshmerga bases" on the border between Iran and the Kurdistan Region.

The party said that civilian areas had also been hit.

Iran has shelled areas inside the Kurdistan Region on many occasions on the pretext of the presence of armed Kurdish groups like PDKI on its border.

The Bradost area is in northern Erbil province, near the borders with Turkey and Iran. 

Updated at 3:16 pm.