EXCLUSIVE: ISIS launches major offensive south of Kirkuk

ERBIL, Kurdistan Region — Hundreds of Islamic State militants launched several attacks on Peshmerga-controlled villages in the south of Kirkuk province Monday morning.
Peshmerga forces claim to have foiled and beaten back the attacks. Rudaw video from today’s battles shows an intense gunfire exchange between Peshmerga and ISIS militants.   
A Peshmerga officer who spoke to Rudaw said ISIS was defeated and did not capture any territory in the battles.
"More than 600 ISIS fighters launched an attack on Talwra, Big Homeyra, Small Homeyra, Al-Murra and Shahid villages, but they were defeated by the Peshmerga,” said a Peshmerga officer who gave his name only as Rasul.
Rasul said the Kurdish forces with the aid of US-led airstrikes were able to defeat the ISIS attacks, but heavy fighting is still going on in Murra village.
Kurdish estimates indicated that more than 100 ISIS fighters have been killed and injured in Monday’s battles.
ISIS forces attempted to take control of the Syryani oil refinery in southeastern Kirkuk, but the Peshmerga were able to destroy two ISIS Humvees and defend the cluster of villages around the refinery.