Kirkuk court issues arrest warrant for ousted Najmaldin Karim

ERBIL, Kurdistan Region – An investigative court in Kirkuk has issued an arrest warrant for the ousted governor of Kirkuk, Najmaldin Karim, Rudaw has learned.

He is wanted in connection with a project named Kirkuk Eagle. The purpose of the project was to monitor vehicles wirelessly in order to prevent theft and track movement in and out of the city. 

The project was implemented at checkpoints between Kirkuk and Sulaimani and Kirkuk and Erbil.

The court alleged that the project is a fraud.

The warrant, dated May 23, 2018, also orders confiscation of his properties.

A Baghdad court issued an arrest warrant for Karim in September for his role in raising the Kurdistan flag in Kirkuk and supporting the independence referendum. 

Karim was removed from his post as the governor of Kirkuk by a vote from the Iraqi parliament in 2017.

Karim currently resides in Erbil.