Kurdish president thanks US for help against ISIS, invites investors to the region


WASHINGTON DC—US support for the Kurdistan Region in the war against “the ISIS terrorists” has been vital and that the people of Kurdistan are grateful for that help, said Kurdish President Massoud Barzani on Tuesday.

“I saw President Obama and Vice President Joe Biden in the white house,” said Barzani in a speech at the US Chamber of Commerce Tuesday evening. “I conveyed to them the thanks of the people of Kurdistan for their support in the difficult times.”

The Kurdish president and a high level delegation arrived in Washington DC on Sunday to meet with the US president about the war on ISIS, relations between Baghdad and Erbil and Kurdish self-determination.

“I also tell the people of Kurdistan that our meeting was very successful,” said Barzani at the chamber shortly after he met with US president and vice president in the White House.

Barzani said that with support from the US-led coalition the Kurdish forces have gained the upper hand against ISIS in Iraq.

“True that Kurdistan faced a very big challenge that is the war of ISIS terrorists’ but thanks to our brave Peshmerga the initiative is now in our hands and 20,000 square km has been liberated from ISIS,” said Barzani.

Barzani said that despite the war against the terrorist group, the Kurdistan Region still open for business and encouraged foreign companies to the region.

“Kurdistan’s doors are always open to all companies that come here, and I thank all companies that didn’t leave Kurdistan during the difficult times for which we are grateful and it was great morale backing,” he said.

Barzani added that while fighting ISIS on many fronts, the Kurdish government has provided sanctuary to more than 1.5 million refugees.

“Kurdistan has become a safe haven for more than 1.5 million refugees,” he said. “Though it is difficult times for them and hard economic burden on us, it is our humanitarian and moral responsibility to help.”

The Kurdish president added: “I assure everyone that Kurdistan will always bee a refuge to all those in need from whatever ethnic or religious group they may be.”

He ended his short speech by saying, “I assure you that terrorists will have no future in Kurdistan or the region and democracy and freedom alone will prevail.”