Roadside bomb kills Danish cyclist in Duhok province

ERBIL, Kurdistan Region - A Danish cyclist's bike hit a roadside bomb while riding in a village in Duhok province’s Kani Masi subdistrict on Thursday. He died shortly after succumbing to his injuries, local authorities told Rudaw. 

Two Danish cyclists entered Kurdistan Region through Sarzere border crossing with Turkey but lost their way, heading to an unpaved road between Kamberke and Barukhi villages in Kani Masi - where Turkey and the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) fighters have clashed for decades. One of the bikes hit a roadside bomb, injuring the cyclist. The second cyclist rushed to local authorities for help, Ahmed Adni, head of Kani Masi hospital’s administration department, told Rudaw’s Nasir Ali. 

A health official, speaking on the condition of anonymity, later told Rudaw English that the cyclist succumbed to his injuries and died. 

A local source has identified both cyclists to Rudaw as Johannes William Karlsson and Torbjorn Haubroe Methmann. However, it is not clear which one is the dead person. 

The road has not been used by people for years due to PKK-Turkey clashes. 

Rudaw has learned that Kurdish authorities are in contact with Denmark's honorary consulate in Erbil. 

Rudaw English reached out to the honorary consulate but they declined to comment. 

Updated at 10:14 pm