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The Kurdish 'Paykari Dil' (‘Heart Statue’) film premiered Sunday night in Sulaimani.

Its actors and actresses walked the red carpet before the movie was premiered and hundreds of filmmakers, actors, artists and politicians gathered to watch the movie.

Nizar Salami, Halwest Mohammed, Reshan Hemo, and Narin Alan play the main roles.

Shwan Atuf, the director, said the romantic comedy musical will be shown across "the Kurdistan Region's cities and towns first and later in Europe and the US."

"In the movie, Kurdistan is shown in a very beautiful and modern way," producer Bahoz Nasraldin told Rudaw, adding filming the movie took 43 days to finish. "We expect many people will like it."

During Eid al-Fitr and ensuing days, the 108-minute long movie will be shown in cinemas in Erbil at Family Mall and in Sulaimani at City Cinema.

The movie was co-produced by Metronome Company and Kam Production. It was filmed in Sulaimani and the majority of the film’s crew members are Kurds.

Photos by Mohammed Shwani