7 Peshmerga killed by booby trapped home in Shingal area

ERBIL, Kurdistan Region – Seven Peshmerga were killed and one wounded by explosions in a home in Shingal that was booby trapped by the Islamic State (ISIS) forces before they pulled out of the area, a Kurdish official said.

"In the village of Jidara, 25 kilometers west of Shingal city, a bomb remaining in one of the abandoned homes exploded, killing seven Peshmerga and wounding one,” Shingal Mayor Mahma Khalid told Rudaw by phone.

In the liberation of Shingal, “we did not have such a big loss of life as we had today,” he added.

In mid-November, Peshmerga forces backed by US-led coalition airstrikes  drove ISIS out of Shingal in a matter of 48 hours. Since then, "the village is in the hands of the Peshmerga," Khalil said.

Hundreds of bombs by disposal teams have been defused since Shingal was liberated and "they are still working hard to defuse them all," he said.