A photo journey home with ISIS survivor Nadia Murad to her Yezidi village

On August 2, 2014 thousands of Yezidis from the village of Kocho in northern Iraq were rounded up and summarily killed by ISIS. Many women and girls were sold into slavery by ISIS. Since escaping captivity, Nadia Murad has become an outspoken representative of the Yezidi people and for others who faced atrocities at the hands of ISIS. She made the journey home on June 1, 2017.

Kurdish Peshmerga and Iraqi forces secured the route through Shingal


Locals are happy to see Nadia after almost three years 


Yezidi Peshmerga fighters from Kocho awaited the global face of their people

Nadia was overcome with emotion after meeting a relative and other Yezidis


The United Nations recognized Nadia as a Goodwill Ambassador for the Dignity of Survivors of Human Trafficking last year. She spoke at the school where ISIS separated men to be killed and women to be sold as sex slaves

It was a sad day for many


Iraqi forces pushed ISIS out of this destructed town last week


Nadia gave one last look at her childhood village Kocho