Kurdish and coailition commandos raid Hawija town center

KIRKUK, Kurdistan Region--A team of Kurdish and coalition special forces raided the town of Hawija on Saturday and killed a number of Islamic State (ISIS) militants.
Rudaw has learned that the raid was on the ISIS police station in Hawija and it lasted two hours.
Brigadier Sarhad Qadir of the Kirkuk suburban police said that a few such small raids by Kurdish and coalition commandos have been conducted in recent weeks.
Hawija is 55 Km southwest of Kirkuk and is considered an ISIS stronghold.
The biggest and first such raid against the radical group took place in October where US and Kurdish commandos stromed and ISIS jail and freed 70 hostages.
Late last month a similar raid against a courthouse of the Islamic group in the town of Riyad also led to the killing of several militants.