Iran bombards Erbil’s border areas, displacing residents: Official

ERBIL, Kurdistan Region -  Iranian forces on Saturday bombarded Erbil province’s Bradost area, causing fear among residents of nearby villages some of whom have abandoned their houses due to days-long bombardment, a local official said. 

Iran’s artillery has recently increased its targeting of Kurdistan Region’s bordering areas of Bradost and Sidakan. The head of Soran Administration told Rudaw on Saturday that the bombardment has been ongoing for more than a week.

“Without any excuses, Iran’s bombardment of Bradost and Sidakan areas has been ongoing for eight days,” said Halgurd Sheikh Najib, adding that this has displaced a “large” number of people from these areas and those staying live in fear. 

He noted that the area is often bombarded by Turkey as well. 

Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) attacked Kurdistan Region’s Erbil and Sulaimani provinces on Wednesday, targeting the bases of exiled Kurdish opposition groups. At least 14 people were killed and 58 were injured in the attacks, according to the Region's health ministry. 

The attacks have displaced about 700 families who have fled Iran and lived in a camp in Koya city, according to the mayor.

The IRGC’s recent attacks have been condemned locally and internationally.

There have been protests in Iran, starting with the recent death of Mahsa (Zhina) Amini while in morality police custody in Tehran. The IRGC blamed the Kurdish parties for a violent unrest that had engulfed the country for nearly two weeks. Demonstrations are ongoing.