Two PDKI Peshmerga injured in bombing in Erbil

ERBIL, Kurdistan Region – Two PDKI Peshmerga were injured by a bomb that exploded under their vehicle in Erbil’s Bnaslawa sub-district. 

The bomb exploded around 4pm Thursday afternoon, injuring a father and son who are Peshmerga with the Democratic Party of Iranian Kurdistan (PDKI), Rudaw’s Farhat Dolamari reported from the scene. 

The PDKI reported that a "remote controlled bomb" was detonated under a car belonging to the Peshmerga, "severely injuring" the father and son. 

"Iran has threatened to carry out terrorist attacks against the PDKI," the group stated. 

The injured have been identified as Salah Rahmani, 52, a veteran Peshmerga and active member of the PDKI and father of five, and his son Sabah Rahmani, 33, married with two children. 

Sabah Rahmani has lost both his legs in the explosion and is in critical condition, the PDKI confirmed.

Prior to the explosion the elder Rahmani had “received several threats from Iran’s notorious intelligence agency,” the PDKI stated.  

The PDKI are an armed Iranian-Kurdish opposition group that has its headquarters in the Kurdistan Region. The group said they have increased their counter-terror operations and have “foiled numerous terrorist attacks by the Iranian regime.” 

Bnaslawa is located  east of Erbil. 



Updated at 10:03 pm