Turkish operation a ‘blatant violation’ of Kurdistan Region, Iraq’s sovereignty: Peshmerga spokesperson

Babakir Faqe, the spokesperson for the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) Ministry of Peshmerga Affairs, described Turkey's ongoing ground and aerial operation as "a blatant violation" of the sovereignty of Iraq – particularly that of the Kurdistan Region.

Turkey launched an air offensive dubbed Operation Claw-Eagle on June 15, with the stated aim of targeting PKK bases in the Kurdistan Region. It launched a commando force ground campaign called Operation Claw-Tiger on June 17. 

The air offensive has claimed the lives of five civilians, and injured several others.

Faqe told Rudaw on Saturday that according to international protocol, Turkey should have informed Erbil or Baghdad of their military operation , which he said they failed to do.

Turkey have entered 20 to 40 kilometers deep into the Kurdistan Region, while Iran, which has launched a simultaneous artillery shell campaign, has moved as far as 10 kilometers into the Kurdistan Region, Faqe said.

The Peshmerga official also called on the PKK to move its fight back across the border with Turkey.

This interview has been edited for length and clarity.

Rudaw: What is the Ministry of Peshmerga Affairs’ stance on Turkey's ongoing military operations inside the Kurdistan Region?

Babakir Faqe: It is very unfortunate. Turkey has been pounding the Kurdistan Region-Turkey-Iran border triangle with ground and air bombardments…Many villagers have been forced to flee their homes. All of their orchards and groves have caught fire. And in the name of chasing Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK) members, they targeted civilians at Kuna Masi resort [Sulaimani province].
We at the Ministry of Peshmerga Affairs label these acts a blatant violation of both international law and the sovereignty of Iraq, especially the Kurdistan Region. We condemn it.

According to international protocol, a country planning to launch a cross-border operation should coordinate with that other country. Did the Turkish government coordinate with the Peshmerga Ministry regarding the current operations?

No. The Turkish government did not coordinate at all with the KRG concerning the operation. Absolutely, according to the international protocols, any neighboring country who plans to move troops or launch an operation needs to coordinate with the other country, so that we could at least talk and hold dialogue with the opposition group Turkey aims to target, to help avoid such blatant violations from happening against the KRG and the territorial sovereignty of the state of Iraq.

Are there any Peshmerga troops stationed in areas where the Turkish army has entered? Or are there PKK guerillas near Peshmerga troops stationed in border areas?

We have some forces stationed on the border areas, including the forces associated with the [Ministry of Peshmerga Affairs’] Unit 80 Forces. They [Turkey] have not come in from areas where the Peshmerga are present, but other areas, including Sindi and Gulli [Zakho district] all the way to the Khakurk triangle. The operations are being carried out in that region. I dare say they have transgressed as far as 20 to 40 kilometers deep into the Kurdistan Region's territory.

A number of Turkish media outlets are talking about the establishment of a no-fly zone from Shamdinli town to Sirnak [on the Turkish side of the Turkey-Kurdistan Region border], which is nearly 40 kilometers long. What would be the Peshmerga's reaction to such claims?

This is apparently their military plan. This plan has not been studied by the KRG, nor have we been informed about it. The area would be safe without their operations. They are causing uncertainty and instability in our country. Many villages have been emptied, civilians displaced, their properties, groves and orchards all burned.

They say they build the no-fly zone because PKK fighters are in that region [Shamdinli to Sirnak]. Do you know of the presence of the PKK in that region?

The PKK fighters are present on the [Turkey-Kurdistan Region] border line, and the triangle border. But their presence is not that big. They are a hidden presence, in small groups. We also call on the PKK of Turkey to take into account the sovereignty of the Kurdistan Region. They have to understand that this Region has came into being with a huge amount of sacrifice, blood and struggle of the KRG. They must take their struggle back to the land of North Kurdistan [southeastern Turkey]. Turkey carries out these operations because the PKK is present in the border areas.

It is said that from the other side, Iranian troops have entered nearly 20 kilometers deep into the Kurdistan Region. What information do you have about Iranian artillery fire?

The Islamic Republic of Iran has simultaneously launched its own operation, shelling the regions of Haji Omaran and villages on the outskirts of Mount Qandil. They are already 10 kilometers deep into the Kurdistan Region, stationing their forces on the Mount Qandil range. They have set up observation posts and fortifications.

Interview conducted by Dildar Harki
Translation by Zhelwan Z. Wali