Understanding Between Gorran and KDP on Forming Government, No Strategic Agreement

Yousif Mohammad, a Change Movement (Gorran) MP and potential speaker of parliament says that there is good understanding between Gorran and the Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP) to form a coalition government. Mohammed says that a recent agreement signed between Gorran and the KDP is the outcome of six months of negotiations and that it is not intended to undercut any other party, especially the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (PUK). In this interview with Rudaw, Mohammed says that all groups should respect the results of the September 21 elections and not expect more than their share in the government.

Rudaw: Was the agreement between the Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP) and Gorran last week expected or was it a surprise?

Yousif Mohammad: After six months of negotiations among the parties since the September 21 elections, there came about some kind of understanding. In particular, the last two weeks of negotiations the KDP and Gorran had reached such understanding that they were able to sign an agreement to form the new cabinet of the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG). The agreement was expected and it is only about the formation of the government.

  Gorran insisted that people’s votes be considered as the only measure for government posts.  

Rudaw: Do you think Gorran is receiving its fair share of posts in the new government?

Yousif Mohammad: Gorran insisted that people’s votes be considered as the only measure for government posts. Since 1992, this is the first time that Kurdish voters have made any change to the political balance in Kurdistan. Maybe everything will not be implemented as they should be, but huge steps have been taken and posts will be given out based on the election outcome.

Gorran received what it deserved. We pursued a soft policy that would help form a government and prevent a crisis or power vacuum. Also, we did not want the people of the Kurdistan Region to wait any longer for a new government.

Rudaw: An Iranian delegation was in the Kurdistan Region recently. Did they have any influence on Gorran and the KDP?

Yousif Mohammad: Outside pressure would have no influence on Gorran because other than normal relations we have no relations with the neighboring countries. As regards the recent negotiations, there wasn’t any kind of external pressure to sign the agreement, especially from Iran.

Rudaw: Have you signed any agreement with the KDP similar to the strategic agreement between the KDP and the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (PUK)?

Yousif Mohammad: We have not singed a strategic agreement with the KDP. What we signed was an agreement on government formation.

Rudaw: Some people believe that the agreement means that the KDP and Gorran will not interfere in each other’s sphere of influence and that Gorran will be stepping in the PUK’s shoes.

Yousif Mohammad: Such an agenda does not exist. The aim of Gorran is to institutionalize the government, to put an end to the system of two administrations. We don’t want to control the sphere of influence of the KDP or the PUK. We want to establish a decentralized system of governance in the Kurdistan Region.

  As regards the recent negotiations, there wasn’t any kind of external pressure to sign the agreement, especially from Iran.  

Rudaw: During the negotiations did you tell the KDP that your ministers should have full authority in Erbil and Duhok?

Yousif Mohammad: Every ministry has a law that defines the rights and responsibilities of the minister. Gorran ministers will have all the authority stipulated by law in all areas of Kurdistan.

Rudaw: After the elections there was talk of a coalition government with the participation of all. Why did you leave the PUK behind and signed an agreement with the KDP?

Yousif Mohammad: No one has left anyone behind. The PUK has had its own negotiations with the KDP. Some ministries are offered to the PUK, which I think is more than what they deserve. But it depends on negotiations between them; we want the PUK to participate in the government.

Rudaw: Taking into account the fact that the PUK controls the security forces and much economic revenues in the Sulaimani and Garmiyan region, do you think the KDP and Gorran can govern the Kurdistan Region?

Yousif Mohammad: We believe that all security and intelligence institutions should be nationalized. We cannot look on forever as two political parties control these institutions. Security and intelligence forces are not being funded by the KDP or the PUK. They are funded by the government. Therefore, it is very necessary that the security forces are nationalized in the shortest possible time.

Rudaw: How can Gorran control the PUK security forces? Don’t you think you are being unrealistic?

Yousif Mohammad: Some of the PUK leaders are making a grave mistake when they say they don’t believe in democracy. They are seeking to solve the problems through violence and threats. The statement of some PUK leaders might prevail within the party and that will make PUK an outlawed party.

  Some of the PUK leaders are making a grave mistake when they say they don’t believe in democracy. 

Rudaw: A PUK leader has said that they will use the Gorran-KDP agreement as the selling point of their own election campaign for the April 30 polls. What do you think?

Yousif Mohammad: They are free to do what they want or how they want to carry out the campaign. But of course we too will have the word of our own about this agreement, government formation, and our participation in it.

Rudaw: There are indications that you are Gorran’s candidate for the speaker of parliament. Did you ever expect this to happen?

Yousif Mohammad: Since the day I decided to enter politics, I have taken my tasks very seriously and sometimes it has intervened with my private life. As it was the case in my previous jobs, I will be fully committed to whatever position I hold in the future. It is great pride for me and other young politicians within Gorran that our movement nominates someone who is not from a powerful family to occupy one of the highest posts in the Kurdistan Region.

Rudaw: When you were a college student in Erbil, you refused to be on government payroll, and instead worked as a security guard. What do you have to say about that?

Yousif Mohammad: That is true. I have been through difficult times in my life. My father was a teacher and the teachers’ situation in Kurdistan was very bad. When I was accepted at the college of law and political science of the University of Salahaddin, I needed to work to cover my expenses. As you indicated, I was a security guard and I am proud of that.