UK Consul Warr: We want to do more, not less in Kurdistan

The United Kingdom's Consul General in Erbil Martyn Warr tells Rudaw anchor Shaho Amin during an interview that the United Kingdom wants to do more, not less, with promoting both nations' mutual and shared interests. 

Warr reveals that British PM Theresa May made it very clear in meetings with Iraqi counterpart Haider al-Abadi and KRG PM Nechirvan Barzani that the UK is continuing to push for both sides to talk to each other. Warr explains that the UK supports the territorial integrity of Iraq and believes Kurdistan should remain part of the country.

The Consul General boasts of the United Kindgom being the second-largest member of the anti-ISIS coalition and proudly training 10,000 Peshmerga. He also emphasizes the closeness between Kurdish and British counter-terrorism efforts. He explains that the UK remains committed to the 'reunification and professionalization' of the Peshmerga. He describes British commitment to Peshmerga as 'big and successful.'