KDP: There Are Many Legal Ways for Barzani to Run Again for President


Political parties in Iraq’s Kurdistan Region remain divided over whether Kurdistan Region President Massoud Barzani can run for a third four-year term. Barzani has not announced whether he will be a candidate in the polls, which are likely to be held next September, together with parliamentary elections. But his Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP) says that there are ways around the constitutional clauses limiting the presidency to two terms. In this interview Kamal Kerkuki, a senior KDP official and former speaker of the Kurdish parliament, answers Rudaw’s questions about an issue that is turning into a controversy among Kurdistan’s political parties: 

Rudaw: Will Kurdistan Region President Massoud Barzani run for another term?

Kamal Kerkuki: Well, he has not said he will run for the post, but we believe it is necessary for him to run again. That is because the sensitive situation in Kurdistan, Iraq -- and the Middle East in general -- requires him to be in the presidency. His talents, experience and ample information on the Kurdish issues and Kurdish rights, his understanding of Iraqi problems and constitutional issues, make him a necessary figure for the post.

  The Kurdistan Region is full of able, skilled and loyal people. In the meantime, everyone has the right to run for the post. 


Rudaw: Opposition parties are saying that if Barzani runs again it will be a manipulation of the laws?

Kamal Kerkuki: In Kurdistan, laws are in effect. Neither the Kurdistan Democratic Party nor the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (PUK) violates the laws. Anything we do must be completely lawful. In Kurdistan we have institutions, laws, and a constitution. Everything must be done within the limits of the above mentioned.

Rudaw: Are there legal means for Barzani to run for the post again?

Kamal Kerkuki: First, we have to see if Mr. Barzani agrees to run for another term. However, if he does, there are legal means.  Many other countries in the world have gone through the same stage we are in now. There are many examples where the people of a country have needed their leader to run for a third time, and the leader has agreed. Then, they have found a way to make it happen. For example, in New York, the mayor was in office in 2001, and then was reelected in 2005; in 2008 the people of the state felt they still need him and he agreed to run for another term. They found a legal way for him, and he became the mayor of New York one more time. If something like this can be done in a democratic country like the United States of America, I think we can do the same thing here.

Rudaw: Opposition parties are asking, is there no one else in Kurdistan to run for the post?

Kamal Kerkuki: The Kurdistan Region is full of able, skilled and loyal people. In the meantime, everyone has the right to run for the post. No one will be prevented from running.  The people are the decision makers of who will be the president.  The people will directly and in secret ballots elect their president. When we were drafting the constitution, we insisted that the president has to be elected directly by the people, in order to avoid political groupings over the position. We wanted to avoid the misuse of the post by political parties for their political gains. The people of Kurdistan make the best decision when it comes to electing their president.

  When we were drafting the constitution, we insisted that the president has to be elected directly by the people, in order to avoid political groupings over the position. 


The people’s decision will be the correct and (most) beneficial decision. No party can get the people of Kurdistan to agree with its programs if the programs were not in the interests of the people.

Rudaw: So have KDP and PUK reached an agreement on the presidency issue?

Kamal Kerkuki: We have no disagreements with PUK. We have both agreed to continue on the previous agreement. Even though we are running in separate lists in the election, but we will form a government together after the elections. We respect our PUK colleagues’ views on prolonging president Barzani’s tenure. They know president Barzani’s presence in the office is necessary for the current stage of Kurdistan. KDP supports PUK in all ways possible to have both parties work together and serve Kurdistan to their best abilities.

Rudaw: The opposition says that having Barzani run for another term is dictatorship and a violation of the law?

Kamal Kerkuki: The word “dictatorship” is a very strong word. Mr. Barzani has been a loyal Peshmarga of this country. He is the son of Mustafa Barzani, our national leader. His family has fought for the Kurdish cause for years. They have recorded many successes for the Kurdish nation. And President Barzani is eager over Kurdish rights. He has never given up Kurdish rights to any country or group. However, if Barzani runs for another term, there are many constitutional and legal ways to do that.