Sirnak's economy recovering from 'silent earthquake' : Official

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ERBIL, Kurdistan Region - The head of the Turkey’s southeastern Sirnak’s Chamber of Commerce told Rudaw the border city has started to recover from the devastation caused by urban fighting between Turkish army and the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) in 2015, adding that that it will soon produce 100,000 barrels of oil per day. The official called for closer economic ties between his city and the Kurdistan Region. 

Osman Gelis, the head of Sirnak’s Chamber of Commerce, said the security situation in the city has improved, calling the tragic events from the past a "silent earthquake", comparing it to the 2023 Maras earthquake.

Sirnak witnessed a devastating urban war between the Turkish army and the Kurdistan Workers Party guerrilla fighters that lasted for months in 2015 and 2016. About 70 percent of the city was destroyed.

Turkey is scheduled to hold the local elections at the end of March. Gekis said it is up to the people to choose their local leaders, highlighting that the municipality election is about providing much needed services to the local communities, adding that it should not be about "politics". 

He expressed hope that the city’s improved security situation would help attract domestic and foreign investment in Sirnak, which, he pointed out, has the lowest employment in Turkey.

The following is the full transcript of Rudaw's Nwenar Fatih interview with Gelis.

Rudaw: I had meetings with [officials from] many political parties in Sirnak. I also talked to many locals. They all talk about the economy of Sirnak. As president of the Sirnak Chamber of Commerce, how do you see the situation in the city? What is the situation in Sirnak now?
Osman Gelis: First of all, welcome. We send our warmest greetings from Sirnak, from the Judi region to Erbil, Duhok, Zakho and Sulaimani. We are very happy to see you. We are both very close and we are one family, but very far apart economically. This is our shortcoming. If we join efforts in the field of trade, it will be in our interests and will benefit our youth, our boys and girls, and we would have more job opportunities. There are shortcomings on both sides. Some unpleasant events have taken place on both sides. This has become a shortcoming for us and has delayed industry [industrial development] in our region… Thank God, we have been comfortable in Sirnak for seven, eight years and we have no problems. We are doing our job. Together with the Ministry of Industry, we and the Governor of Sirnak want to open two civil industrial zones in Silopi.
In Silopi?

Yes, in Silopi, near the Khabur border gate (Ibrahim Khalil… We want the investors who have moved away from Silopi, Sirnak, Hezek and Cizire to return to their areas and open factories in their areas... According to government statistics, we [Sirnak] and Colemerg [Hakkari] have the highest unemployment rate in Turkey. Through your channel, we are also telling investors in the Kurdistan Region, let our brothers come and work together. We are at your service. We can become partners, join hands and work together. We share the border, we are relatives, my aunt lives in Zakho. Today, Cizire and Silopi are developed and ready for further development. I have been coming to Erbil, Zakho and Duhok for 20 years and we are very happy with the progress made there. In the past, when we came to Erbil, the roads were very bad and there were no traffic lights. We did not know how to navigate the city. Now the roads are good. Erbil has developed a lot in the last five, six years. We are very happy with the progress achieved in Erbil. But the economy is a different thing. We must strengthen our economy. The Kurdistan Region and we must strengthen our economy. There is an economic crisis in the world today, but I say that if we join hands together, this crisis will not affect us and will pass us by.
Today, thank God, there is oil in the Kurdistan Region, as well as here in Gabar. Currently, 40,000 barrels of the best oil are produced daily in Sirnak and Gabar. By the end of December 2024, that amount will reach 100,000 barrels per day. This will be great to move forward. The oil sector will have a big presence here. 
We want to have more talks with businessmen in the Kurdistan Region … Our universities should meet every six months [increase cooperation].
We see tomatoes coming from Antalya and Mersin. We should produce tomatoes in Silopi and Zakho. Today, if we join forces and our universities can guide our businessmen and [members of] chambers of commerce, we will see some progress. We are very happy to have you [Kurdistan Region]. We want to visit each other more and let each side guide the other side towards the right path. 

Mr. Osman, Sirnak has the highest unemployment rate [in Turkey]. What are the reasons? The fighting has stopped for several years now. There are good conditions. It is a nice place for tourism. Why is Sirnak first in terms of unemployment?

Industry will not develop in a short time. There will be no development in the tourism sector in a short period. Look, places like Gebze, Kocaeli and Ankara have developed in 30-40 years or 50 years. May God not bring upon anyone what happened in 2015-16. Last year there was an earthquake in Maras. A silent earthquake occurred in Sirnak between 2015-16. We went through a great ordeal. 70% of Sirnak was destroyed. Businesses don't go to places where the security situation is not stable, they go to places where it's safe and work there.
Is the economy of Sirnak still paying the price of the situation in 2015-2016?
These problems and obstacles have intimidated businessmen. When businessmen are afraid, they do not come back, but when they see that there is peace, they come back and lay out the groundwork and start their assessment. They  look at what the needs are. What do the people want? After these studies, they start investing. This will not happen in a short time, but I believe that our region will develop so much in the next five to six years that you would not recognize it. God willing, our youth will have jobs. Our young people must learn new professions and adjust to the market. No one can do everything. To operate modern equipment, employees must be certified and obtain the know-how. Employers are after the people who have skills. 
The municipal elections are approaching. Political parties are discussing unemployment and the economic situation in Sirnak. What is your position on these economic programs and election campaigns?
The municipality is the backbone of the services here. It is their job to provide water and parks to the people… Today, there should be no politics in the municipality. Anyone who is good, anyone who can serve this nation, the nation should choose, based on whoever provides the services to the people. The municipality is about services, not politics. It is up to the people to assess and vote for whom they trust with the municipality. 


* This interview has been edited for clarity.


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