Tehran envoy to Erbil: Middle East peace depends on stability of Iran

Consul General of Iran to Erbil, Nasrollah Rashnoudi, said Iran is a friend and ally of Iraq and the Kurdistan Region and wants to see peace across the Middle East. But Iran will take its revenge on the United States for the killing of Gen. Qasem Soleimani, he vowed. 

“The peace of Iraq, the regional countries, and the surrounding countries is connected to the peace and stability of the Islamic Republic,” he told Rudaw’s Ranja Jamal in an interview on January 5, 2020.

What is happening for the funeral of Qasem Soleimani and what is your message on this day?

Following the martyrdom of the Muslims' commander Haji Qasem Soleimani and Haji Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis and their friends, the Islamic Republic of Iran and the Supreme Leader declared three days of mourning in honor of them. A large number of people have attended the funeral processions in Iraq. 

Haji Qasem Soleimani had strong relationships with tribes and tribal chiefs, political parties, all groups and components in the Middle East in general and Iraq in particular including the Kurdistan Region, Sunni and Shiite groups, as well as minorities such as Christians. He played his role in the liberation of Mosul and the protection of Erbil when it was about to fall amid attacks from the terrorist Daesh [Islamic State, ISIS] group. Daesh posed a serious threat to Erbil.

Mr. martyred Soleimani responded to a request from [former Kurdistan Region President] Mr. Masoud Barzani to protect Erbil from Daesh as quickly as possible. He came to Erbil and was fully present on the ground managing to remove the threat to Erbil. The Kurdistan officials have plenty of times acknowledged Soleimani's role. 

During the Daesh rampage approaching Baghdad, Mr. Soleimani stood in their way starting activities and managing to halt the Daesh movements. Following the Shiite Marja fatwa to establish the Hashd al-Shaabi [Popular Mobilization Forces], he used to direct them to fight off terrorists. 

Mr. Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis was always with martyr Soleimani and they were together. When Daesh came, capturing Mosul in 2014, Mr. Soleimani was all the time on the ground carrying out activities to combat the terrorists. His activities in Lebanon and Syria and all the other places were to protect those places.

His presence on the ground in Iraq was at the request of the Iraqi government to help protect the stability of the country. He was coming to Iraq in an official way. But unfortunately, he became the victim of a vicious act of the Americans, those who claim they respect international laws.

You shed light on the most recent developments in Iraq and the region. The Islamic Republic of Iran and the USA are trading threats. Is there going to be war? 

Of course, we will avenge the blood of this martyr and other martyrs who accompanied him. We will do whatever it takes to retaliate and this is the call of our people. They say that Soleimani's blood must be avenged. 

Yet, we want the Middle East to rest in peace and the Islamic Republic of Iran has exerted maximum efforts to secure the peace and stability of the Middle East. The peace of Iraq, the regional countries, and the surrounding countries is connected to the peace and stability of the Islamic Republic. The Islamic Republic does not want the region to face instability. But, avenging the blood of the martyr will take place any time it is necessary as the leaders of the Islamic Republic have repeatedly made clear.

Leaders from the Kurdistan Region and Iraq are calling for Iraq's territorial integrity and sovereignty to be respected. What measures have you taken to protect the sovereignty of the Kurdistan Region and Iraq amid escalations? 

We have always respected the territory of Iraq. We are an old and historical neighbor. We have never eyed monopolization of Iraq. The Islamic Republic has never violated or transgressed the borders of Iraq. What we have eyed has been only the stability of Iraq. The Iranian military personnel and advisers have come to Iraq upon the request of the Iraqi government.

You are also aware that we are here in the Kurdistan Region upon the request of then President Mr. Masoud Barzani. When they were needed, the Iranian military personnel came into the Kurdistan Region and assisted the KRG [Kurdistan Regional Government]. Therefore, we are always and only for the stability of the region and the country.