Biden presidency more beneficial to Kurds: political analyst

ERBIL, Kurdistan Region — Kurds would benefit more from a Joe Biden presidency, American author, political analyst and former diplomat Peter Galbraith told Rudaw as Americans head to the polls on Tuesday to decide on the next president of the United States.

Nearly a hundred million Americans have already voted through mail-in ballots and early in-person voting, and are awaiting the results that would determine the next four years of US politics, with Former Vice President Joe Biden running against current President Donald Trump. 

"Eighty percent of the voters who voted in 2016, have already voted. In many ways, the election has already taken place, and will finish up on Tuesday," Galbraith told Rudaw on Monday.

"The polling this time suggests that Joe Biden will win by a very substantial margin, including in three states that Donald Trump that were decisive to his victory," he added.

"His [Donald Trump] conduct as president has been very harmful to the Kurds.... gave Erdogan a greenlight to attack North-East Syria," he further said.

"My advice would be the same, which is to maintain good relations with the United States. The Kurds would be much better off with Biden as president," he said.

Peter Galbraith was an informal advisor to the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG), supporting the Kurdistan delegation in the drafting of Iraq's 2005 constitution.