Kurdish melodies harmonized with Italian melodies in Sulaimani

SULAIMANI, Kurdistan Region - The second concert of this year's Zahawy Music House took place in Sulaimani province, featuring a fusion of Kurdish and Italian music. 

The concert in Sulaimani’s Tawar Hall featured a substantial turnout of artists and music enthusiasts. Four Kurdish and four Italian musicians participated in Zahawy Music House, presenting several pieces of music to the audience. 

Hazhar Zahawy, a musician and founder of Zahawy Music House, told Rudaw that the Kurdish and Italian musicians showcased a blend of Kurdish musical elements, rhythms, and instruments, alongside Italian music. 

“This is a new experience in Kurdish music, but it has been experienced among other nations,” Zahawy said.

Hazhar Zahawy, The director of Zahawy Music House: Four Kurdish and four Italian [musicians] performed a mixture of Kurdish music. This means mixing Kurdish melodies, rhythm, and Kurdish instruments with [Italian music]. This is a new experience in Kurdish music, but it has been experienced among other nations.”

The concert marked Zahawy's second performance in 2024. The initial concert took place in March at Erbil Hills, featuring a fusion of Kurdish and French music.

“It is very nice to come back here and know more about Kurdish culture. Also, it is great to have the opportunity to know musicians and artists who express themselves through music. The Kurdish people express themselves through music and that is very important,” Italian musician Alessandro Vensa told Rudaw.

“When I was asked to come here, I immediately accepted, but I did not expect the culture and nature of the area to be so beautiful and to give us such a beautiful concert with these wonderful musicians,” said another Italian musician Denis Di Maria.

Zahawy Music House intends to host three additional concerts this year, featuring collaborations between Kurdish and foreign music groups, and showcasing joint harmonies. 

Zahawy launched Zahawy Music House in November 2021 with an inaugural concert that brought together fourteen singers and musicians from the Kurdistan Region as well as Kurdish areas of Iran, Turkey, and Syria.