UNICEF’s Ewan McGregor overwhelmed by suffering of refugee children

Zhelwan Z. Wali
Zhelwan Z. Wali @ZhelwanWali
Tags: UNICEF Ewan McGregor refugee camps
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ERBIL, Kurdistan Region--UNICEF Ambassador Ewan McGregor was in the Kurdistan Region capital Erbil last week visiting refugee camps in the Region to draw attention to the children who are living in dire circumstances. 


“The world is facing an unprecedented refugee crisis and we must do more to protect the extraordinary number of children who have been torn from their homes by violent conflict,” UNICEF quoted McGregor as saying.


McGregor related how he was particularly moved by the story of Mirna and her family. Mirna told the actor about how her family was struggling with the hot summer weather.  


“One girl I met called Mirna told me how her family slept in a disused, half-constructed shopping mall for over a year. The community donated food, clothes and supplies to her family and really came together to welcome displaced people.”


He praised people who offer a helping hand to the families in need, giving them basic necessities of life. 


“This act of humanity should be replicated everywhere, especially on our own doorsteps. It’s up to us to tell our friends, our neighbours and our governments that refugees are welcome,” he said.


The actor broke down when speaking with ITV News about the importance of helping the children, “because they’re just children.”


This September world leaders will meet to discuss the global refugee crisis at two summits in New York. UNICEF, the UN’s children’s organization, is urging leaders to be strong, compassionate, and bold in their commitments to protect children on the move.  


The Kurdistan Region is hosting 1.7 million internally displaced persons (IDPs) from Iraq. Kurdish officials expect more people from Mosul and its outskirts will flee ISIS in the near future, when the long-anticipated offensive to force ISIS from that city transpires.


Children have been a primary victim of the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria. McGregor extended his gratitude to UNICEF for helping families that are fleeing the most barbaric terrorist groups like the Islamic State (ISIS). 


According to UNICEF, “Many of the people [McGregor] met, who had been previously trapped, had not had access to healthcare, education or basic services for over two years.”


McGregor is a Scottish actor. He has received best actor Golden Globe nominations for Moulin Rouge! and Salmon Fishing in the Yemen


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