Qaladze women break tradition at town's 'ladies market'

QALADZE, Kurdistan Region  Two sisters in Qaladze have broken tradition by running their own shops, inspiring other women to open businesses in what is now known as the town's "ladies market."

Dilkash and Dilnya Ahmed opened shops six years ago in the market, which mostly sells cosmetics, women's clothes and local handicrafts. 

"I wanted to do something different for the women in my town, as well as myself," said Dilkash.

Her sister Dilnya says the pair provide for their family, and have changed local attitudes towards women at work. 

"Initially, it was very strange for people. But gradually it became normal...both men and women applaud us," she told Rudaw. 

The ladies market was opened in 2013. 

Since the Ahmed sisters set up shop there, nine other women have followed in their footsteps.

"I started with a tiny shop, and now I have four. Thanks to God, I have recruited teachers and engineers into my business. I am proud of that. I consider them as my sons and daughters and I am proud of them too," said Beri Sleman. 

Shoppers say they feel more comfortable buying from women than from men. 

We can buy what we need comfortably. Buying from a woman shopkeeper is incomparable to buying from a man. We are not comfortable with them," said customer Lanja Mohjammed. 

"We are happy to see that some women have opened up shops here.


Translation and video editing by Sarkawt Mohammed